Merzman Merz Flaneuries

David Medalla and Adam Nankervis have been comissioned as the official MERZMAN artists in residence. Between 5th and 13th March, to re-MERZ Manchester and Liverpool. And, acting as latterday flaneurs, to set out to re-trace the footsteps of Kurt Schwitters and his peregrinations around Manchester, Bury, St Helens, Liverpool, etc. during 1946 – 47.

David Medalla and Adam Nankervis, FF alums, will create a series of impromptus and live events entitled ‘MERZ Flaneuries’ in Manchester, England, from March 5 to March 12, 2011. This project is sponsored by Littoral Arts Trust directed by Ian Hunter and Celia Larner. The Littoral Arts Trust has been taking care of the MERZ Barn of Kurt Schwitters in Ambleside, Cumbria, England.

Adam Nankervis and David Medalla’s ‘MERZ Flaneuries’ will consist of an imaginary encounter between the Ghost of Marcel Duchamp and the Spirit of Kurt Schiwtters. Both Duchamp and Schwitters were great ‘flaneurs’. This new work by Medalla and Nankervis is a follow-up of their now legendary ‘Cosmic Wrestling Match Between the Ghost of Joseph Beuys and the Spirit of Rrose Selavy’ refereed by Guy Brett at the ICA (Institute of Contemporary Art) in London several years ago.
During their sojourn in Manchester, Medalla and Nankervis will collaborate with artists based in England’s northern industrial city. They will give talks at Castlefield Art Gallery and to other cultural groups in Lancashire.
The climax of their ‘MERZ Flaneuries’ will be the making of MERZ Tequila ‘Four Cherries Brand’, which they have named after a famous collage by Kurt Schwitters in the permanent collection of MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) of New York.

Littoral Arts-
Damien Hirst – Science Ltd, Royal Academy, Arts Council England NW, and the Northern Rock Foundation have very generously supported the Merz Barn project

The Littoral Arts Trust is an Arts Council England RFO
42 Lodge Mill Lane, Turn Village,
Lancashire. BL0 0RW UK

Adam Nankervis
Museum MAN

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The Author

David Medalla

David Medalla

David Medalla is a Filipino international artist, who was born in Manila, the Philippines in 1942. His work ranges from sculpture and kinetic art to painting, installation and performance art. He lives and works in London, New York and Paris. At the age of 12 he was admitted at Colombia University in New York upon the recommendation of American poet Mark van Doren and studied ancient Greek drama with Moses Hadas, modern drama with Eric Bentley, modern literature with Lionel Trilling, modern philosophy with John Randall and attended the poetry workshops of Leonie Adams. In the late 1950s he returned to Manila and met Jaime Gil de Biedma (the Catalan poet) and the painter Fernando Zobel de Ayala, who became the earliest patrons of his art. In 1960s Paris, the French philosopher Gaston Bachelard introduced his performance ‘Brother of Isidora’ at the Academy of Raymond Duncan, later, Louis Aragon would introduce another performance and finally, Marcel Duchamp honoured him with a ‘medallic’ object. His work was included in Harald Szeemann’s exhibition ‘Weiss auf Weiss’ (1966) and ‘Live in Your Head: When Attitudes Become Form’ (1969) and in the DOCUMENTA 5 exhibition in 1972 in Kassel.

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