05 – 12 AUGUST 2011, VARNA
For fourth consecutive year, from 5th to 12th August 2011, the International Video Art Festival VIDEOHOLICA will be held in Varna. This year’s program of VIDEOHOLICA is abandoning in video screenings, presentations and exhibitions presenting the video art on a global scale.
The main program of VIDEOHOLICA 2011 will be presented in a series of evening video screenings, in separate individual selections compiled on geographical principle, in open spaces in Varna, among which traditionally are the courtyard of the Archaeological Museum, Varna, the amphitheater at the rear of the Puppet Theater, and Music Café ‘LOOK’. This year, VIDEOHOLICA will be the guest of two new open spaces in Varna, namely the Roman Baths and Cultural House ‘Harmony’.
The American gallerist and curator Cohn Drennan (Dallas, USA) will be a special guest of VIDEOHOLICA 2011, who, besides being a chairman of the international jury of VIDEOHOLICA 2011, will also deliver a lecture on his work in his quality of a curator in North America and Europe. The lecture will be held on 11th August 2011 in the Varna City Gallery.
The video installation ‘Fresh’ of the Bulgarian artist Adelina Popnedeleva, awarded by the 18th Festival of the Bulgarian Documentary and Animated Film “Golden Rhyton”, will be presented by Gallery ‘Bulart’ on 6th August 2011 at 6 p.m. The four videos of ‘Fresh’ narrate, through the portrait of the young character, what has been happening in Bulgaria during the 20-year transition from socialism to democracy. Adelina Popnedeleva’s exhibition is shown under the new initiative of VIDEOHOLICA to present the pioneers in Bulgarian video art.
Along with the evening screenings of VIDEOHOLICA 2011, in Gallery ‘Arhis’ there will be presented also: “China is far away” (2011) – a documentary about the Italian film director Michelangelo Antonioni directed by Liu Haiping (China), the “Eye of Oodaaq – creating and promoting poetic images” with lecturers Florian Davin, Isabelle Henrion and Simon Guiochet (Rennes, France) as well as video selections with the courtesy of the Athens Video Art Festival (Athens, Greece), the Festival of Film and Performing Arts ‘Espressioni’ (Milan, Italy) and KIMUAK – Basque Short Films (San Sebastian, Spain ). Gallery ‘8’ will open on 10th August at 6 p. m. a photography exhibition of young artists within the framework of VIDEOHOLICA 2011.
Affect Media (Varna) is the main sponsor of this year’s edition of VIDEOHOLICA. The International Video Art Festival VIDEOHOLICA is organized by the Association Videoholica (Varna) with the support of the Archaeological Museum (Varna), Gallery 8 (Varna), Gallery ‘Arhis’ (Varna), Gallery ‘Bulart’ (Varna), The City Art Gallery (Varna), the State Puppet Theatre (Varna), the Cultural House ‘Harmony’ (Sofia), Music Café ‘LOOK’ (Varna), the Roman Baths (Varna) and the August in Art Foundation (Varna).
For further details:
Bulgaria, 9000 Varna, PB 318
00359 895 007 816
– Pavlina Mladenova
ОСТРОВЕН БЛОК – времетраене: 98 минути
ISLAND BLOCK – duration: 98 minutes
1 Дейвид Антъни Сант, Обединено Кралство – Реаккция на дрейфане в метропола, 2011, 04:11
Anthony Sant, UK – Metropol Drift Reaction, 2011, 04:11
2 Серджо Круз, Португалия/Обед.Кралство – Хана, 2011, 05:30
Sergio Cruz, Portugal/UK – Hannah, 2011, 05:30
3 Стуарт Паунд, Обединено Кралство – Танц на дишането, 2011, 04:10
Stuart Pound, UK – Breath Dance, 2011, 04:10
4 Кейт Роулес, Обединено Кралство – Битката за Стардом (домашно видео), 2011, 02:41
Kate Rowles, UK – Battle for Stardom (home video), 2011, 02:41
5 Херве Констант, Обединено Кралство – Навиване и развиване, 2006, 04:00
Herve Constant, UK – Wrapping and Unwrapping, 2006, 4:00
6 Тал Амиран, Обединено Кралство – Без заглавие (Група в студиото), 2006, 02:54
Tal Amiran, UK – Untitled (Band in the studio), 2006, 02:54
7 Джанет Хъгсън, Обединено Кралство – Timenap, 2010, 02:43
Janet Hodgson, UK – Timenap, 2010, 02:43
8 Чарли Туиид, Обединено Кралство – Архиме(т)ър, 2011, 04:39
Charlie Tweed, UK – Archimeters, 2011, 04:39
9 Дейвид Кидман, Франция/Обединено Кралство – Stochastics, 2010, 06:37
David Kidman, France/UK – Stochastics, 2010, 06:37 еми, да
10 Дейвид Кидман, Франция/Обединено Кралство – Dumbphone, 2010, 03:03
David Kidman, France/UK – Dumbphone, 2010, 03:03 еми, да
11 Ана Енрикес Бротас, Обединено Кралство – Окупа, 2009, 02:28
Anna Henriques Brotas, UK – Okupa, 2009, 02:28
12 Хуан Г. Гутиерез, Обединено Кралство – ЕPB Динмаел – най-краткия ден, най-кратката нощ, 2010, 05:00
Juan G. Gutierrez, UK – ERW Dinmael – Shortlest Day , Shortlest Night, 2010, 05:00 DA отрежи отзад 1 мин черно
13 Джени Бейнс, Обединено Кралство – Печатна точка, 2009, 02:30
Jenny Baines, UK – Tipping Point, 2009, 02:30
14 Карла Ийстън, Обединено Кралство – Аз съм истинско момиче, 2011, 01:54
Carla Easton, UK – I’m a Real Girl, 2011, 01:54
15 Карима Ашади , Обединено Кралство , Пасе: Първа часст, 2011, 03:16
Karimah Ashadi, UK – Pace: part one, 2011, 03:16
16 Ники Коутс, Обединено Кралство – Ийстърн, 2010, 07:59
Nicky Coutts, UK – Eastern, 2010, 07:59
17 Сам Джури, Обединено Кралство – Прехвърли ден, 2009, 08:29
Sam Jury, UK – Over for the Day, 2009, 08:29 da?
18 Дейвид Консил , Обединено Кралство – An Ache for Home, 2011, 04:11
David Council, UK – An Ache for Home, 2011, 04:11
19 Кирон Хюсаин, Обединено Кралство – Slick Horsing, 2010, 02:44
Kiron Hussain, UK – Slick Horsing, 2010, 02:44
20 Емилия Лозева и Дани Уинклер, Обединено Кралство – 12 хайкута в летаргия, 2010, 07:00
Emilia Lozeva & Dany Winkler, UK – 12 Haikus in Lethargy, 2010, 07:00
21 Триша Мак`Крей, Обединено Кралство – Живот в смъртта, 2010, 02:00
Trisha McCrae, UK – La Vie Par La Mort, 2010, 02:00
22 Гейнджър Панеджо, Обединено Кралство – РРР Преподписано, 2010, 02:30
Ganger Panego, UK – RRR Resigned , 2010, 02:30
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