Post Archive

Febbraio 2013

BooksEventsNEW YORK

Airan Kang Luminous Words February 28 – April 6 Opening Reception: Thursday, February 28, 6-8 pm Bryce Wolkowitz Gallery 505 W24th Street, New York, NY 10011 Bryce Wolkowitz Gallery is pleased to present its second solo exhibition of Korean artist Airan Kang. Featuring an ambitious installation of over one

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JAN FABRE Gisants (Hommage à E.C Crosby et K.Z Lorenz) Galerie Daniel Templon – Paris 28 février – 20 avril 2013 Vernissage: jeudi 28 février de 17h à 20h Deux ans après le succès de Piètas à la Biennale de Venise, Jan Fabre transforme la Galerie Templon en chambre funéraire.

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Lichtenstein: A Retrospective 21 February – 27 May 2013 Tate Modern Level 2, London Bankside Sponsored globally by Bank of America Merrill Lynch With additional support from the Terra Foundation for American Art, the Henry Luce Foundation, the Lichtenstein Exhibition Supporters Group and the American Patrons of Tate Tate

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Eileen Gray 20 February – 20 May 2013 Centre Pompidou Place Georges Pompidou, Paris From February 20th to May 20th 2013, the Centre Pompidou devotes a retrospective to the unique work of Irish designer Eileen Gray. Featuring a selection of works, pieces of furniture, photographs, scale models and documents brought

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Lucas Simões, quasi-cinema 2012
Another vacant spaceBERLINCongress & MeetingsSAO PAULO

Foreign body // Corpo Estranho Foreign body // Corpo Estranho is an exhibition bringing together contemporary Brazilian artists who, in the trajectory of Helio Oiticica and Lygia Clark, among other of their multifarious explorations, are surveying the body relational in space, both exterior and interior, its developments, conjecture, friction and

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ALMA MATER STUDIORUM – UNIVERSITÀ DI BOLOGNA DIPARTIMENTO DI STORIA CULTURE CIVILTA’ Presentazione del libro CHRISTOPHER F. BLACK Storia dell’ Inquisizione in Italia. Tribunali, eretici, censura Edizione italiana a cura di GIAN LUCA D’ERRICO Roma, Carocci Editore, 2013 Lunedì 18 febbraio 2013 ore 10 Aula Gambi Complesso di San

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Evgeny Antufiev Untitled, 2012 meteorite Chinga, seta, corno di cervo / Chinga meteorite, silk, deer's horn © Evgeny Antufiev

Evgeny Antufiev Twelve, wood, dolphin, knife, bowl, mask, crystal, bones and marble – fusion. Exploring materials 17 February – 31 July 2013 “In the wake of the general collapse of the space of myth, the knowledge of myth becomes the basis for creativity and the perception of reality.” (E. A.)

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There is an exciting and hidden part of Russian art (and Russian artists) that has not yet been discovered. In the same way, there is something latent and full of possibilities, that has not yet been unearthed of the Brooklyn art scene (or Brooklynite artists). That is what “Brural: A

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GuggenheimNEW YORK

Gutai: Splendid Playground February 15–May 8, 2013 In February 2013, the Guggenheim Museum will open the first U.S. museum retrospective exhibition ever devoted to Gutai, the most influential artists collective and artistic movement in postwar Japan and among the most important international avant-garde movements of the 1950s and ‘60s.

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TOKYOvideo film & live performances

13/2/2013 – 24/2/2013 The National Art Center, Tokyo Special Exhibition Gallery 1E Roppongi 7-22-2, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 106-8558 (and other venues) The 16th Japan Media Arts Festival Executive Committee has selected the Award winners for the Japan Media Arts Festival, who will receive prizes from the Minister of Education, Culture,

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THE MAGNIFICENT OBSESSION MartRovereto, 26th October 2012 – 6th October 2013 The Museo di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto is to celebrate its tenth anniversary through an exhibition that redraws the relationship between its collections and the public, reflects about its heritage and embarks on a new

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I MYSELF 2. Marisol Cavia
EventsSANTANDERtextsvideo film & live performances

EL CONCEPTO DE PASADO EN ESPACIOS SENSIBLES Encuentro de Poesía, Artes Plásticas y Arquitectura Texto escrito por María Jesús Cueto-Puente Espacios sensibles es un lugar de encuentro, que reúne una buena parte de los protagonistas más sobresalientes y emergentes de ámbitos diferenciados provenientes de la poesía, las artes plásticas y

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