Post Archive

Luglio 2013

MUSE - Fotografo Alessandro Gadotti. Archivio Trento Futura

È energia pura quella che si è respirata alle porte del MUSE, il nuovo Museo delle Scienze di Trento che oggi ha finalmente aperto le sue porte al mondo. Partita alle 18.00 una 24 ore di eventi incredibili, per rendere omaggio a un’apertura che proietta Trento tra le grandi città

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Recycle Group Column, Series "Future Archeology", 2013 (detail) n. 3 elementi cm 116x30x30, cm 76x30x30, cm 96x30x30 - See more at:

GLASSTRESS WHITE LIGHT / WHITE HEAT Curated by Adriano Berengo e James Putnam Collateral event 55. Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte – la Biennale di Venezia Glasstress. The Quantum Leap of Glass Critical text by Adriano Berengo, from the Catalogue There was a moment, during these months preparing for Glasstress: White Light/White

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Tomás Saraceno - in orbit, installation view K21 Ständehaus, Photography by Studio Tomás Saraceno © 2013

Tomás Saraceno – in orbit K21 STÄNDEHAUS Press conference: 19 June 2013, 11 AM Opening: 21 June 2013, 7 PM Exhibition dates: from 22 June, 2013 Curators: Marion Ackermann and Susanne Meyer-Büser Technical supervision: Bernd Schliephake STIFTUNG KUNSTSAMMLUNG NORDRHEIN-WESTFALEN Grabbeplatz 5 – D-40213 Düsseldorf A gigantic installation work by

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Padiglione Tibet

TIBET PAVILION by Ruggero Maggi SATURDAY, 6th JULY 2013 special opening on the occasion of His Holiness Dalai Lama’s 78th birthday FROM 16.00 – 17.30 MANDALA “CON-TA-CI” by Tiziana Tacconi On 6th July, to celebrate Dalai Lama’s birthday, spiritual guide of Tibetan people and symbol of the deepest love for

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Biennale di VeneziaVENICE

TRANSFIGURATION 01.06.2013 – 24.11.2013 Opening: 29.05.2013, at 15:00 Pavilion of the P.R. of China at the 55th International Art Exhibition – la Biennale di Venezia Supporter: Ministry of Culture of the People’s Republic of China Commissioner: China Arts & Entertainment Group (CAEG) Organizer: China International Exhibition Company Curator: WANG Chunchen

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Biennale di VeneziaVENICE

Pavilion of Japan At the 55th International Art Exhibition – la Biennale di Venezia abstract speaking – sharing uncertainty and collective acts Artist: Koki Tanaka Curator: Mika Kuraya (Chief Curator of the Department of Fine Arts, The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo) Organizer: The Japan Foundation Curator’s statement The

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ARLES IN BLACK What meaning does black and white photography have today? Is it fiction, poetry, abstraction or pure nostalgia? The 2013 Rencontres is radically dedicated to black and white photography, presenting entirely new creations from renowned artists, along with discoveries, treasures from the past and, of course, a few

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