What is Open House Roma?
Open House Roma is a yearly event spanning over just one weekend and allowing the general public to access hundreds of architecturally and artistically relevant sites/venues for free. What differentiates this event from other similar ones, is the focus on modern and contemporary artistic heritage, rather than just concentrating on historical sites. This is the reason why the event also grants access to those sites where works are still “in progress” to build the city of tomorrow.
Guided tours are led by the very same designers, students of the faculty of Architecture of Roman universities and architecture lovers. Bike and walking tours, together with many special events, will allow visitors to discover the hidden heritage of the Eternal City. This is all those sites and areas, which are usually not accessible to the general public due to their function or daily use.
Open House is a major architecture-related project involving 4 continents, with 25 cities taking part in the Open House Worldwide international event.
How can I join?
Participation in the project is for free. You will be given the opportunity to access all sites/venues and take part in all the events listed in the program without paying an entry fee.
There are 3 ways to join:
– Free access on a first come-first served basis
– Reservation on the OHR website: you will just need to print your reservation form and show it once at the venue. Please note reservation is needed for some sites/venues, and contact details are provided on the relevant site page. For some other venues and for safety reasons, you might be asked to show a valid ID document or passport before accessing the venue.
– Through a rush Line: visitors can access the site on a first come-first served basis, in case any visitor with a reservation not showing up at the venue.
To browse through the brochures of past events, please click here: 2012 and 2013.
Open House Roma is an event open to the general public.
It is a cultural and educational initiative, which sees architecture and, more generally, art as privileged ways to interpret and appreciate a city’s development and transformation.
Open House Roma’s core goals are: encouraging participation, enhancing the valorisation of both the hidden and historical heritage, eliminating barriers between the public and the private sector, fostering direct exchange between citizens and public institutions, thus making the general public more aware of the quality of architecture and urban space as well as improving the understanding of the stakeholders’ professionalism.
If you feel like you share the vision of a “city for all”, then please support Open City Roma. Even a very small donation can make the difference.
To read the brochure and the data of the 2013 edition of the event visit: Open House Roma 2013 – follow up
To download the brochure and the data of the 2013 edition of the event, click here
Open House Roma belongs to the Open House Worldwide network, an international organisation based in London, where the project was launched with success in 1992, before expanding in other countries.
The organisation has independent offices in Europe, the U.S., the Middle East and Australia. Every year in September, Open House London welcomes more than 300,000 visitors in over 700 sites/venues. Open House New York was launched in 2002 and nowadays records more than 185.000 participants in each event.
Open House Roma FB Page;
Open House Roma on Twitter;
For further information, press releases or related articles, please contact:
Mrs. Giovanna Mirabella at: –
Or Mrs. Laura Vecchio:
Open House Roma is promoted and organised by Open City Roma, with the partnership of Open House World Wide.
Open City Roma was launched in 2010 as a non-profit organisation. Open City Roma currently counts on a diverse and strong group of young supporters with different backgrounds and skills.
Mainly operating in Rome, the organisation carries out research activities in the areas connecting with urban sustainable development, which in turn become projects which:
– create joint cultural platforms
– promote and support participation in community life
– promote bottom-up approaches in order to foster urban development
– seek simplification strategies for the benefit of the community
– make technology available and accessible to the general public, as a tool for improving the quality of life
– experiment with new ways to transform life in the city, following the Smart City principles and using ICT to build inclusive models for community participation
Project Managers: Davide Paterna and Alessia Vitali – Program Coordinators: Laura Calderoni – Director of Volunteers: Elisa Janani – Sustainability: Paola Frontoni
PR & Advertising: Giovanna Mirabella and Laura Vecchio
Media Strategist: Raffaele Boiano – Graphic Designer: Elisabetta Pallone – Web Architect: Fausto Napolitano – Legal and Tax Consulor: Enrico Lupo
Event created by: Leonardo Mayol and Davide Paterna
The following people worked with us for the past editions: Paola Ricciardi, Sabine Kuhne, Giorgio Pasqualini, Diego Pierini, Giacomo Maraghini Garrone, Vittoria Bichi Ruspoli, Lucia Orecchini, Fabio De Carolis, Miriam Cowley, Francesco Frioli, Francesca Sarno, Adriano Dominici, Roberto Randine, Architecture in the city (Alessandra Zucconi, Luis do Rosario).
Open House Roma – Associazione Culturale Open City Roma
Via Giacomo Peroni 452, 00131 Roma, Italy
Phone: (+39) 06 4556 3543 – E-mail:
If you would like to suggest a site/venue or an event, contact us at:
If you would like to become an Open House Roma’s volunteer/guides, contact us at:
For further information on press release, please email
For further general information, please email
10 – 11 MAGGIO 2014
Torna nella Capitale Open House Roma, la manifestazione internazionale che ogni anno coinvolge 25 città nel mondo e che, il 10 e 11 maggio 2014, aprirà le porte, in modo totalmente gratuito, dell’architettura più rappresentativa della città. Oltre 35.000 visitatori nel 2013 e 50.000 previsti per questa nuova edizione.
Promosso e organizzato da Open City Roma, con il patrocinio del Senato della Repubblica, Sapienza Università di Roma, Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Musei in Comune, Regione Lazio e con la partecipazione del MiBACT-Direzione generale per il paesaggio, le belle arti, l’architettura e l’arte contemporanee, con il supporto dell’Assessorato alla Cultura, dell’Assessorato a Roma Produttiva e dell’Assessorato alle Periferie, Infrastrutture e Manutenzione Urbana di Roma Capitale e dell’Ordine degli Architetti di Roma e Provincia, l’evento è giunto quest’anno alla sua terza edizione.
150 gli edifici aperti nel 2013 e oltre 200 i siti e gli eventi in programma quest’anno, tra edifici storici, moderni e contemporanei tra cui cantieri, case private, studi di architettura e tantissimi eventi collaterali. Spazi di grande valore architettonico e storico-artistico, solitamente inaccessibili, che si animano, rivivono e si aprono ai cittadini esclusivamente in questo weekend.
Ancora una volta Open House è gratuito e aperto a tutti, nessun biglietto da pagare, né per le visite guidate svolte in ogni sito né per le numerose iniziative in programma. Andando sul sito, sarà possibile, a partire dal 30 aprile, vedere tutto il programma e prenotare le visite guidate. Più della metà dei siti saranno ad accesso libero in base agli orari indicati nel programma e su ordine di arrivo.
Un programma ricchissimo quello del 2014 che, ancora una volta, è reso possibile grazie al lavoro dell’Associazione Open City Roma, dei suoi partner e dei più di 400 volontari tra studenti, professori, semplici appassionati, che ogni anno fanno sì che i tesori della Capitale possano di nuovo rivelarsi a tutti.
Novità di quest’anno l’app – creata per l’occasione dalla startup palermitana PUSH – che permetterà agli utenti di prenotare le visite direttamente dal proprio smartphone, ricevere informazioni in tempo reale su tutti gli eventi OHR e condividere la propria esperienza sui social, scaricabile a partire dal 1° maggio. Molte le media partnership attivate per questa edizione tra cui Archiportale/Archilovers, Artribune e Tafter.
In ultimo, grazie ad un accordo con Italo Treno – NTV, i viaggiatori diretti ad OHR2014 potranno raggiungere la Capitale a tariffe scontate da tutte le stazioni presenti sul territorio.
Per Info – – 06 45563543
Open City Roma – Via G. Peroni 452, 00131 Roma
Giovanna Mirabella
Relazioni istituzionali e responsabile comunicazione
E – T +39 06 45563543 – M +39 339 7968949
Laura Vecchio
Ufficio Stampa e social
E – T +39 06 45563543 – M+39 3495461157
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