Meet the World’s Most Advanced Android Robots!
Kodomoroid®, a child news announcer, and Otonaroid®, a science communicator
On display starting June 25 (Wed.), 2014

On June 25 (Wed.), 2014, the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation (Miraikan) (Chief Executive
Director: Mamoru Mohri; Address: Aomi, Koto-ku, Tokyo) will open a permanent exhibition entitled, “Android: What is
Human?” where visitors can meet the world’s most advanced androids – robots which closely resemble humans.

This exhibition displays three android robots: the recently developed Kodomoroid® and Otonaroid®- a child android and an adult female android, respectively – and Telenoid®, an android designed without individual human physical features. The exhibition is curated by Dr. Hiroshi Ishiguro, a leading android expert who has been studying the
question, “What is human?”

Kodomoroid® is a teleoperated android robot resembling a human child. It is an android announcer with potential exceeding that of its human equivalent. It can recite news reports gathered from around the world 24 hours a day, every day, in a variety of voices and languages. In the studio set up in Tearoom of Zero/One on the third floor, you can watch her deliver news about global issues and space weather reports. Characteristics: A child is vulnerable and is also a symbol of the future of the earth. Kodomoroid, with its close resemblance to a human child and detached voice, continuously recites world news. It is a work of art of sorts which asks profound questions about humanity’s future. Supported by: National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (Japan Space Weather Information Center) NHK Global Media Services, Inc.
Kodomoroid® is a teleoperated android robot resembling a human child. It is an android announcer with potential exceeding that of its human equivalent. It can recite news reports gathered from around the world 24 hours a day, every day, in a variety of voices and languages. In the studio set up in Tearoom of Zero/One on the third floor, you can watch her deliver news about global issues and space weather reports.
Characteristics: A child is vulnerable and is also a symbol of the future of the
earth. Kodomoroid, with its close resemblance to a human child and detached voice, continuously recites world news. It is a work of art of sorts which asks profound questions about humanity’s future.
Supported by: National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (Japan Space Weather Information Center)
NHK Global Media Services, Inc.

Kodomoroid® and Otonaroid® will attempt to fill human roles as the world’s first android announcer and as the Miraikan’s android science communicator, respectively. The exhibition will be a unique and rare event which will provide visitors with the opportunity to communicate with and operate android robots, while shedding light on the attributes of humans in contrast with those of robots.

Otonaroid® is a teleoperated android robot resembling an adult female. She has been hired by the Miraikan as a robot science communicator. At the exhibition, you can talk with her and also operate her. Characteristics: Otonaroid® is an experimental exhibition, in which you can experience a face-to-face conversation with an android robot and operate it. Through this experience, you will gradually acclimate to communication with an android robot and become capable of comprehending it more instinctively.
Otonaroid® is a teleoperated android robot resembling an adult female. She has been hired by the Miraikan as a robot science communicator. At the exhibition, you can talk with her and also operate her.
Characteristics: Otonaroid® is an experimental exhibition, in which you can
experience a face-to-face conversation with an android robot and operate it. Through this experience, you will gradually acclimate to communication with an android robot and become capable of comprehending it more instinctively.

Opening day June 25 (Wed.), 2014
Venue 3F Permanent Exhibition Zone, “Create Your Future” National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation (Miraikan)
Opening hours 10:00 – 17:00 (last entry 30 minutes prior to closing)
Admission fees Adults: 620 yen; persons 18 years of age and under: 210 yen
(Groups of eight or more individuals) Adults: 490 yen; persons 18 years of age and under: 160 yen
*Free admission for those with Disability Books and an accompanying person
Closed Every Tuesday (except on holidays and during the spring, summer and winter vacation periods), and during the year-end and new year holiday period (Dec. 28 to Jan. 1)
General supervisor Hiroshi Ishiguro (Visiting Director), ATR Hiroshi Ishiguro Laboratories; Distinguished Professor, Osaka University)
Cooperation Dentsu, Inc.

Inquiries from ordinary visitors:
For more information on this press release, please contact:
National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation (Miraikan)
2-3-6 Aomi, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-0064
TEL: +81-3-3570-9151 / FAX: +81-3-3570-9150
Public Relations Section, Exhibition Development Division, National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation (Miraikan)
Email: TEl. 03-3570-9192 FAX 03-3570-9150

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