London Biennale 2014
Maps Mazes + Mysteries
May 1 / July 1 2014
David Medalla Founder and Director
Adam Nankervis International Coordinator
May Day,
in time for the start of LONDON BIENNALE 2014
which begins at 6 p.m. at Soho Square in central London.
At 7 p.m. at Angel Pub which is beside St. Giles Church
behind the tall Centre Point Building on Tottenham Court Road.
New Facebook page:
David Medalla – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The London Biennale will be entirely artists-generated. It will be open to any artist anywhere in the world. There will be no limitation of age, sex (gender), nationality, religion or race.
An artist can participate in the Biennale by simply sending three copies of a photograph (about postcard size) of him / herself or of proxy person with an arrow (of any size and of any materials) inscribed with the words London Biennale 2000 and the person’s name (the photograph to be taken in front of the Eros statue at Piccadilly Circus in London) – to me at my address in Bracknell: 11 Naseby, Hanworth, Bracknell, Berkshire RG12 7HD. There is no registration fee.
Every artist will be responsible for his / her participation in the London Biennale – finding the venue for showing the work, funding, transport and publicity etc. Every artist will be encouraged to document his / her participation in the London Biennale and the resulting documentation will (i hope) be published in book form and as a cd rom the year after the London Biennale.
David Medalla
Director of the London Biennale
Artist’s talk: David Medalla | Tate
Inauguration May 1 2014 David Medalla
Artists and art lovers world- wide are cordially invited to the inauguration of LONDON BIENNALE 2014.
Join David Medalla, Director and Founder of the LONDON BIENNALE, on May 1, 2014, at 6 p.m. at Soho Square in London, England. Soho Square is the gathering point for LBAs (London Biennale Artists).At 7 p.m., LBAs will proceed from Soho Square to the Angel Pubnear St. Giles Church, behind the Centre Point Building on Tottenham Court Road.Bring pencils, pens. drawing papers, still, video and cine cameras with you to celebrate and document the opening event of LONDON BIENALE 2014.There will be a variety of impromptu performances and exhibitions during LONDON BIENNALE 2014,
and a number of exciting ‘POLLINATIONS’ in different parts of the world, including ‘POLLINATIONS’ curated and organised by Rino Telaro in Belgium;
‘POLLINATIONS’ in Manila, Philippines. curated and organised by Joel de Leon; and ‘POLLINATIONS’ at Studio.RA in Rome curated and organised by Raffaella Losapio.We are looking forward to a new ‘LONG SHORE DRIFT IN SHOREHAM-BY-THE-SEA’ in Sussex,organised by Katie Sollohub.Artists in different parts of the world are welcome to organse ‘POLLINATIONS’ wherever they are.
Please log in FACEBOOK London Biennale 2014 information about your ‘POLLINATIONS’.We are looking for another brilliant ‘POLLINATIONS’ in Las Vegas, USA, organised by Jevijoe Vitug and Matthew Couper.’MAPS – MAZES – MYSTERIES’ are the inter-linked themes of LONDON BIENNALE 2014.London-based Filipino artist Noel de Leon has linked his solo exhibition reflecting memories of his childhood and youth in his native Philippines. Noel de Leon’s exhibition is curated by Eva Betncheva, of SOAS, the School of Oriental and Africa Studies, of the University of London, with organisational support by Leah de Leon.
The exhibition will be in the Philippine Embassy in London, around the corner from the National Gallery on Trafalgar Square.The final day of Noel de Leon’s exhibition, July 1st, 2014, will also be the Finale of LONDON BIENNALE 2014.
On that day, from 6 to 8 p.m., in the social hall of the Philippine Embassy London, there will be an informal gathering of LBAs.
Adam Nankervis, Internaional Coordinator of the LONDON BIENNALE and Director of ‘another vacant space’ in Berlin,
will arrive with a contingent of brilliant experimental a.v.s. artists who will relate stories of their different travels and voyages.
LBAs based in London will respond with stories of their own travels and voyages; while artists in different parts of the world (among them: Raoul Tenazas,Reynolds, Ryan Lemke, Paul Meinel, Tyler Cavallero and Mateusz Chobrowski
in New York ) will communicate – via SKYPE – with the LBAs in London.See you at LONDON BIENNALE 2014!
David Medalla
Pollinations London Biennale 2014:
- The project: “Murales per studio.ra” in Rome will be “POLLINATION” LONDON BIENNALE 2014.
Murales per studio.ra:
- Manifesto Brut (Italiano) | Acrodacrolivres - London Biennale Pollination in Nevada
Jevijoe Vitug + Matthew Couper
Noelle Garcia being filmed for the documentary of the 2012 London Biennale in Nevada – photo courtesy of Roberta Hemlock
- London Biennale -NYC Pollination
Joy Syringe
Reception: Saturday June 28, 6-8pm
321 Gallery
321 Washington Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11205
June 28 – August 2, 2014
Joy Syringe – happiness in a tube – a prescriptive bliss of temptatious fixed focus. Works of art engage the bell curves of dominance and narrative, gifting small revelations that oscillate between trauma and ecstasy. The messages they dispatch slide between coherency depending upon their present and future tense. Each piece on display becomes a plume on the fusion of horizons[1] performing as thickener in the starched dopamine haze of desire. A bridge OR a gap, a fissure AND a fusion – singularities calcified in-between. Tabula Rasa’s becoming objectified aides of clarification. Burn the frost. No more ice. Same as it ever was. Same as it ever was.
Joy Syringe is an exhibition and pollination of the 2014 London Biennale, MAPS – MAZES – MYSTERIES.
Artists: Rheims Alkadhi, Nancy Barton, Sofi Brazzeal, j.frede, lyeberry, Taro Masushio, Antje Rieck, and is organized by Joseph Imhauser.
thanks to, 321 Gallery, David Medalla, Adam Nankervis, and Giovanni Ricci

[1] Gadamer views understanding as a matter of negotiation between oneself and one’s partner in the hermeneutical dialogue such that the process of understanding can be seen as a matter of coming to an ‘agreement’ about the matter at issue. Coming to such an agreement means establishing a common framework or ‘horizon’ and Gadamer thus takes understanding to be a process of the ‘fusion of horizons’ (Horizontverschmelzung). The notion of ‘horizon’ employed here derives from phenomenology according to which the ‘horizon’ is the larger context of meaning in which any particular meaningful presentation is situated. Inasmuch as understanding is taken to involve a ‘fusion of horizons’, then so it always involves the formation of a new context of meaning that enables integration of what is otherwise unfamiliar, strange or anomalous. In this respect, all understanding involves a process of mediation and dialogue between what is familiar and what is alien in which neither remains unaffected.
Here are some dates:
June 17, 2014: opening of solo exhibition by Joel ed de Leon curated by Eva Bentcheva
at the Philippine Embassy in London.
June 27, 2014: opening of exhibition by Liew Watkins and three of his artists friends
at Dig Space in Lewisham, London. There will be music during the opening.
take place in the Social Hall of the Philippine Embassy in London,
around the corner from the National Gallery on Trafalgar Square,
on the First of July 2014, from 6 to 8 p.m.
Adam Nankervis will introduce several artists who will arrive with him from Berlin.
David Medalla will introduce LBAs currently in London who will talk about their voyages.
articolo di Sole Solares – article by Sole Solares
Mail Art – Wall Street International
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