The 7th edition of MIA Photo Fair saw the participation of 80 galleries from 13 different countries.
The fair includes many new features, including, for the first time ever, three theme projects focusing on two different geographical areas: Focus Brazil, curated by Denise Gadelha, Focus Principate of Asturias, curated by Monica Alvarez Careaga and Focus Hungary curated by Art Photo Budapest, a section of Art Market Budapest.

MIA PHOTO FAIRS focuses on Hungarian photography and cooperates with ART PHOTO BUDAPEST
Hungarian art photography is playing a leading role and is among this year’s highlights at MIA PHOTO FAIR for a good reason. Under the title FOCUS ON HUNGARY, an outstanding exhibition section is brought together by some of Budapest’s prominet galleries to give an insight to Hungary’s vibrant contemporary photo art scene to the audience in Milan in March 2017.
Hungarian has a special relationship and a long tradition with photography. Building on the heritage of László Moholy-Nagy, André Kertész, Robert Capa, Brassai and 20th century classics, a new generation of award-winning youg artist has emerged, and Budapest strives with good reason and outstanding characteristics for a central role in international photography with a backgroung insured by a steadily developing institutional and educational system, and with excellent photography found within the portfolios of nearly all Hungarian leading contemporary galleries.
In addition, Budapest hosts the only international photo fair in Central and Eastern Europe: Art Photo Budapest was established in 2014 as a special photography section of the regionally leading art fair Art Market Budapest, and fills an entire exhibition hall annually with an outstanding selection represented by exbibitors arriving from four continents.
Art Photo Budapest has been a cooperating partner of MIA and is a co-organizer of FOCUS ON HUNGARY.
It is due to these components that MIA decided to welcome Hungary as special guest providing a Hungarian photo selection of outstanding quality as a special attraction and an artistic highlight. The show will be accompanied by a panel discussion on Budapest’s central role in international photography on March 10.
Focus 18:00 “Is Budapest becoming the new regional center for photography?”. Krisztina Kovács – artistic director of the Várfok Gallery and art historian, Gábor Máté – head of Photography Department Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design Budapest, Gigliola Foschi – advisory committee MIA Photo Fair, Lorenza Castelli – organization director MIA Photo Fair.
Participating galleries and exhibiting artists include:
Gábor Kerekes Archive represented by ART+TEXT Budapest (presenting Gábor Kerekes and Géza Szöllősi), Inda Gallery (Marianne Csáky, Ágnes Eperjesi, Lilla Szász), Supermarket Gallery (Aliz Veronika Acs, Adél Koleszár, Éva Szombat), TOBE GALLERY (Ákos Major, László Mészáros, Anikó Robitz), Várfok Gallery (Ákos Czigány).
The program is supported by the Consulate general of Hungary in Milan.
Organizing partner: Art Photo Budapest / Art Market Budapest.
For further information please contact Zsuzsanna Deák:

La VII edizione di MIA Photo Fair vede la partecipazione di 80 gallerie, provenienti da 13 nazioni.
La fiera per la prima volta porta all’attenzione del pubblico tre progetti tematici legati ad altrettante aree geografiche: il Focus Brasile, a cura di Denise Gadelha, il Focus Asturie, a cura di Monica Alvarez Careaga, e il Focus Ungheria a cura di Art Photo Budapest.

Le gallerie ungheresi presenti al MIA 2017 sono le seguenti:
Prism rolled systemastically, 2015 dell’artista Ágnes Eperjesi, Fotogramma su carta baritata, 150 x 53 cm, Edizione: pezzo unico, esposta nello stand della Inda Gallery di Budapest è una delle opere finaliste della 6° edizione del Premio BNL Gruppo BNP Paribas 2017.
In seguito troverete la photogallery del Focus Ungheria con i nomi degli artisti rappresentati. Cliccando sopra le immagini si ingrandiranno.
Photogallery – Position the cursor on the images to view captions, click on images to enlarge them.

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