Misha Dare’s BALTIC at Studio.ra Rome – curated by Adam Nankervis and Deborah Wargon, Guest Curator

BALTIC – Misha Dare
Press preview: 30 November 2017 (h. 6:00 pm)
Opening Cocktail: Friday, 1 December 2017 (h. 5:00 /9:30 pm) – RSPV
Dates: 1 / 7 December (h. 5:00 /8:30 pm)
Curated by Adam Nankervis – Guest Curator: Deborah Wargon
Partnership with Museum Man – Berlin
Studio.ra contemporary – www.studiora.eu
Via Bartolomeo Platina 1F, 00179 Roma – mob: +39 3491597571 – info@studiora.eu
The renowned Australian photographer Rennie Ellis (1940-2003) once told me in a conversation he planned to compile a book of Misha Dare, of his own images he had taken of her over the many years of their friendship, as he saw her life as a work of art.
Misha Dare is an Australian artist who’s work, art and life have infused and manifested in a polyglot of formations, where art production is but a limb of the life she inhabits at any one time. Painter, poet, sculptor, collagist, performer, to her intensive study of the art of jewellery over the past decade.
BALTIC is a survey exhibition of her recent artist residency in Tallinn Estonia, and it only makes sense that borne from this experience a new body of work has manifested, in keeping true to her autobiographical response, and there receptiveness and sensitivity of the city, the country, its cultural heritage, political history. Misha Dare’s sensitivity from the microcosm of its soil to the macrocosm of its entity, takes Tallinn, a subject, as a porous being in which she finds her own personal symbiosis through flaneuring to academic research, to create a body of work, eclectic in scope, shape, form, texture and execution to be presented at Studio.ra, Rome in 2017, only days after the completion of her departure from the Baltic region, Tallinn the city, Estonia, the land.
Adam Nankervis (curator)
Berlin, November 2017
Museum MAN
another vacant space
Misha Dare è un’artista australiana, pittrice, poetessa, fotografa, grafica, scultrice, performer, designer.
Specializzata nell’arte del gioiello, espressione della creatività contemporanea.
In questa personale a Roma, Misha verrà appositamente dall’Estonia per presentare a Studio.ra, le ultime creazioni, realizzate ad hoc, durante la residenza d’artista nel Baltico, a Tallinn.
Si tratta di un importante ed inedito approfondimento nel mondo della forma del gioiello e design, nell’arte di incastonare le pietre dure nei metalli pregiati, coniugata con le più avanzate tecnologie.
Misha Dare studied Bachelor fine arts gold, silver smith presso RMIT University, Box Hill Institute – TAFE St Michaels CEGGS, RMIT University.
She lives in Melbourne (Australia).
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