Elena G. Sotiropoulos
Author Archive

Elena G. Sotiropoulos

I was born and growing up in Rome!
Early I started to discover many places even
outside the european border.
My background begins from classic things and
reaches the contemporary and social world.

Sono nata e cresciuta a Roma! Molto presto ho iniziato a girare anche fuori dai confini europei.
Le mie basi culturali partono dal classico raggiungendo il contemporaneo e, soprattutto, il sociale.

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BUBBLE MACHINE by Elena G. Sotiropoulos “Bubble Machine”, David Medalla Certain spots even do not wash with soap, impurities of blood filling the streets do not
purify certainly with a good cleaning. We wash our hands every time they were dirty but if we wanted to wash the whole world we would

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EventsITALYLONDONLondon BiennalemuseummanROMEStudio.ravideo film & live performances

Holly is seated on a sofa. Holly is a portrait. First she turns her gaze as if to avoid a direct confrontation, then her deep eyes capture the attention of those who come across her – even for a moment. It is she. Always and only Holly. A girl with

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MAGASIN Briser la glace Curated by Session 25 of the École du MAGASIN Collective exhibition, program of performances and events Exibition from May 29 to September 4, 2016 Opening Saturday 28 May at 6pm di Elena G. Sotiropoulos Nella cornice di Grenoble, città racchiusa tra le montagne, sorge un importante

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