Gillo Dorfles
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Gillo Dorfles

Donato Di Zio mentre affumica la lastra di rame dell'acquaforte Pelagocentonovantadue nel laboratorio della Fondazione il Bisonte, Firenze, 2010. Foto Carmeli-Belli

Donato Di Zio inside the “Pool” Text by Gillo Dorfles Who knows if Donato Di Zio, from the “pool” in which for years, he has always been immersed will ever finally reach the shore? Or maybe he already has arrived? At least the “ aesthetic shore “ apparent in his

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110 Allestimento della Mostra Donato Di Zio. Dentro al Pelago, a cura di Gillo Dorfles, al Museo d'Arte Moderna Vittoria Colonna di Pescara, 2006

Donato Di Zio inside the “Pool” Museo d’Arte Moderna Vittoria Colonna – Pescara (Italy) February 15 – March 5, 2006 Text by Gillo Dorfles Who knows if Donato Di Zio, from the “pool” in which for years, he has always been immersed will ever finally reach the shore? Or maybe

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