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Studio Museo Achille Castiglioni Piazza Castello, 27 – 20121 Milano tel. +39.02.8053606 – – Architect Achille Castiglioni’s life and work were permeated by optimism, and now in the name of his same spirit and attitude towards life and work, his heirs Irma, Carlo, Monica and Giovanna to promote

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Lee Ufan_Relatum Residence

John Latham / Lee Ufan Opening: 9 February – 7 pm 10 February – 23 March 2012 Lisson Gallery Milan, Via Zenale, 3 John Latham / Lee Ufan presents the work of these seminal artists, renowned for their conceptual and theoretical rigor. Each in their own unique way, the

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Art FairsMILAN

Affordable Art Fair 2012 Mercoledì 1 febbraio – ore 18.00 – 22.00 Preview milanese a Superstudio Più, in via Tortona, 27 2- 5 Febbraio 2012 – 77 gallerie provenienti da tutto il mondo – serata in collaborazione con il settimanale A. Durante la serata videoproiezioni, degustazioni vini offerti

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UniCredit Studio - Milan

UniCredit Milan presents the sixth exhibition of UniCredit STUDIOS, the network of exhibition spaces dedicated to young artists CARTE BLANCHE #6: The Painter who Fled the Wind. Five artists in search of Antonio Donghi. A bridge between past and present: five young  artists interpret the works and research of one

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John Alcorn in the 70s. © The Alcorn Studio & Gallery.
Art directionsMILANtexts

JOHN ALCORN: A SORT OF HOMECOMING Text by Stefano Scalich [The author wishes to thank Stephen Alcorn and Marta Sironi at the University of Milan for the precious cooperation on this feature] 50 years after the publication of Books! and 20 after his death (January 27th, 1992) here’s an overview

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particolare - Maurizio Ceccato - presentazione Non capisco un'acca di Maurizio Ceccato alla Libreria extemporanea 121- Milan
Art directionsBooksMILANtexts

Milan, January 24th, 2012 Non capisco un’acca by Maurizio Ceccato Libreria 121 – Via Savona 17/5 – 20144 Milano | ph. +39 02 36584119 | | Hacca Publisher – Via F. Grifoni, 27 – 62024 Matelica (Mc) Italy – 0737.783733 – fax 0737.343116 –   – Download depliant pdf

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Man Ray, Noire et blanche, 1926, fotografia, new print del 1980, 23 x 30 cm, courtesy Fondazione Marconi, Milano (particular)

Fondazione Antonio Mazzotta – Boots Laboratories WOMEN AND THEIR SKIN. Identity and Beauty in Art and Science curated by Pietro Bellasi and Martina Mazzotta Triennale di Milano 24 January- 19 February 2012 PREFACE by Gillo Dorfles I have always thought and maintained that for a correct evaluation of a work

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Umberto Boccioni (Reggio Calabria 1882 – Verona 1916) Donna in giardino, 1910 Pastello su carta applicata su tela, 37 x 38 cm Collezione Intesa Sanpaolo

Intesa Sanpaolo and Fondazione Cariplo: united in art Gallerie d’Italia – Piazza Scala – Milan opens on 3 November From Canova to Boccioni: Fondazione Cariplo and Intesa Sanpaolo’s 19th-century art collections will open to the public in two historical palazzi in the heart of Milan 3 November sees the

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Birch cube, 2011 betulle, alluminio, vetro, luci al led, cm 100 x 100 x 100 - Courtesy dell’artista e Brand New Gallery, Milano

BRAND NEW GALLERY presents ANTHONY JAMES Consciousness And Portraits Of Sacrifice 12 January – 23 February 2012 Opening: 12 January | 7-9pm Consciousness And Portraits Of Sacrifice is the first Italian one man show by Anglo-American artist Anthony James. In a synthesis of formal and conceptual elegance, the works of

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(da sinistra a destra) Niele Toroni 4 impronte di pennello n. 50 a intervalli di 30 cm “Dire non basta, si deve vederla la pittura” 3 lavori su cartone, 2011 Alan Charlton 10 Vertical parts, 1993 Acrilico su tela, 162x319,5 cm (a terra) Ulrich Rückriem Ohne Titel, 2004 Pietra dolomitica, 35x280x280 cm Courtesy A arte Studio Invernizzi, Milano Foto Bruno Bani, Milano

EXHIBITION: Alan Charlton  Ulrich Rückriem  Niele Toroni TITLE: The Trajectories of Equilibrium CATALOGUE WITH AN ESSAY BY: Francesca Pola OPENING:  Tuesday 13 December 2011  at 6.30 pm EXHIBITION DATES: 13 December 2011 – 22 February 2012 OPENING HOURS: Monday to Friday, 10 am – 1 pm, 3 pm – 7

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After the MOMA in New York and an international tour, from Australia to the Far East, the exhibition finally arrives in Europe. ABOUT PIXAR Pixar Animation Studios combines creative and technical artistry to create original stories in the medium of computer animation. Pixar has created six of the most successful and

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 Translate Le diverse attività presentate nella manifestazione “Don’t Wait Discover Kuwait”, durante le giornate kuwaitiane a Milano, hanno confermato l’importanza dell’apertura a culture diverse per lo sviluppo e progresso dei popoli, e dimostrato le eccellenti relazioni tra lo Stato del Kuwait e quello Italiano. Hanno inoltre trasmesso il messaggio di

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Kengiro Azuma Mu, 1961 Scultura in Legno Proprietà dell’artista Archivio Mondadori Electa, Milano / Mauro Ranzani

FOCUS: KENGIRO AZUMA, MU, 1961 September 29 2011 – January 15 2012, Sala Focus curated by Danka Giacon Museo del Novecento, Milan Download depliant Azuma This in-depth exhibition at the museum is centred around the sculpture in gesso titled Mu of 1961. This date marks a fundamental point in Azuma’s artistic career,

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Soglia a specchio - Aperture 2009, cm 180 x105, stampa Ink-jet su specchio

SILVIO WOLF SULLA SOGLIA – ON THE THRESHOLD curated by Giorgio Verzotti 7 October – 6 November 2011 PAC Padiglione d’Arte Contemporanea – Via Palestro 14, Milan PAC opens its new season with the exhibition ‘SILVIO WOLF. On the Threshold’, curated by Giorgio Ver- zotti, which will run from 7

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manifesto mostra ‘Dylan Dog – 25 anni nell'incubo’
Art directionsEventsMILAN

La mostra ‘Dylan Dog – 25 anni nell’incubo’ è in programma al Museo del Fumetto dal 7 ottobre all’11 dicembre 2011. WOW Spazio fumetto Viale Campania, 12 – Milano Info: 039/2915041 – WOW Spazio Fumetto festeggia i 25 anni ininterrotti di presenza in edicola del fumetto horror Dylan Dog,

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Si è conclusa domenica 9 la seconda edizione di MILANO DESIGN WEEKEND. “Diamoci del tu. Dialoghi fra arte e design”: l’evento dedicato a shopping di arredamento, percorsi di design, arte, architettura e musica 6-9 ottobre 2011 Si è conclusa domenica 9 ottobre con grande soddisfazione di tutti i partecipanti –

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Zlatko Cvetovic Nucleus

2011 MINIARTEXTIL COMO ENERGHEIA 24 September 2011 – 20 November 2011 Chiesa di San Francesco Download testo di Luciano Caramel Eνέργεια, Energia, Énergie, Εnergy “Energheia” is a Greek word used by Aristotele which means “efficient action and ability to act”. Energy is also defined as the body’s or systems’ ability

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“Artemisia Gentileschi. Storia di una passione” Milano, Palazzo Reale 22 settembre 2011 – 29 gennaio 2012 Sotto l’Alto Patronato del Presidente della Repubblica Artemisia Gentileschi – Wikipedia (click English text) Press conference: Stefano Boeri, Assessore alla cultura Comune di Milano; Donatella Treu, amministratore delegato Gruppo 24 ORE; Michelle Hunziker,

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Thomas Struth Audience 4 (Galleria Dell'Accademia), Florenz, 2004 C-print mounted on UV Plexiglas 185.1 x 341.6 x 6.3 cm © Thomas Struth. Courtesy of the artist and Marian Goodman Gallery, New York / Paris

CONVERSATIONS Photography from the Bank of America Merrill Lynch Collection Museo del Novecento, Milan 30 September 30, 2011 – January 15, 2012 Downlooad brochure english The Museo del Novecento in Milan is building on its commitment to showcase the 20th century’s myriad art forms and to embrace international cultural exchange

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Arthoughts - Palazzo Fondazione Alessandro Durini, Milano

Arthoughts Fashion Art Design Accessories MADE WITH SWAROVSKI ELEMENTS Art Director / PR Manager Paola Colombari  – T. 02.29001551/ mobile 348.2635056  E-mail Fashion Designer Katya Fernandez –  E-mail International Brand Manager / Fashion Adviser Kevin McDonald We would like to invite you to view the ARTHOUGHTS Fashion

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Rosalind Nashashibi. La Visione di Carlo (Sacro e Profano) Opening Wednesday, 14 September 2011, 6.30 PM from 15 September to 5 November 2011 Wednesday, 14 September Peep-Hole presents La Visione di Carlo (Sacro e Profano) [Carlo’s Vision, Sacred and Profane], the first institutional solo exhibition in Italy by Rosalind Nashashibi,

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I Like Tuesdays Adrian Paci and Maurizio Ferraris Tuesday, 20 September 2011 – 7 pm Deutsche Bank Piazza del Calendario, 3 – Milano The conferences will take place in the Italian DB Headquarters in Milan, from 7 pm.  At the end  the guests could discover the art collection of the

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I know about creative block and I know not to call it by name Curated by Ryan Gander 16 September – 5 November 2011 Lisson Gallery Milan, Via Zenale, 3 Lisson Gallery Milan is pleased to announce a group show of ten Lisson artists, curated by Ryan Gander. The exhibition

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Another story Italian art: from the 1980s through the dawn of the 21st century Italian art is generally represented abroad by single individuals, often separated from the global context of an extremely variegated territory. Therefore, it is important to work towards revealing those little known aspects of our national scenario,

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