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KINETIC AND PROGRAMMATIC ART – THE ART OF MOVEMENT Exhibition by Lucilla Meloni Opening: Sunday 21st november 2010 from 11:00 to 14:00 21ST November 2010 – 12nd February 2011 Edieuropa Gallery – QUI arte contemporanea Opening hours: 11,00 – 19:00. Closed on Monday and Holidays. Tel. 06 64760172 – Fax

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Tokyo Landscape – The exhibition Antonio Saba – Gianluca Floris Opening 30 October – h: 12 a.m. 31 October | 21 November 2010 Museo Carlo Bilotti, Viale Fiorello La Guardia – Rome Oriental meeting | Text by Vittoria Biasi ANTONIO SABA – GIANLUCA FLORIS THE EXHIBITION TOKYO LANDSCAPE Antonio Saba

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Montemartini A Centre of Notes 29 October 2010 – 8 January 2011 Cinema Music and Unplugged Sala Macchine of the Centrale Montemartini Via Ostiense 106 – 00154 Roma (Italy) Text by Vittoria Biasi The evening programme for the Centre Montemartini was set in the exciting scenario of the Engines Room,

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EventsROMEStudio.ravideo film & live performances

On October 9, 2010, 6th Day of Contemporary Art, organized by AMACI RO.MI. and STUDIO.RA – Rome Presents VIDEOART-CONTAMINATION 4 The fourth show VIDEOART-CONTAMINATION continue to be characterized by the proposed video artists, content and styles as varied as a mirror of our complex contemporary reality. Will take place in

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GALLERIA NAZIONALE D’ARTE MODERNA Museo Hendrik C. Andersen – Via P. S. Mancini, 20 – Roma Lucia Romualdi WORK VARIATION _K10_NEWPORT 33  (variazione op.K10°_n Newport ) Light’s score by optical machianry (partitura di luce per macchinari ottici) 2010 Ivan Fedele, due notturni con figura – electrophones and piano concerto, 2010 Giornata

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EventsROMEStudio.ravideo film & live performances

THE MADRIGAL OF THE EXPLOSION OF THE WISE WHALE 2010 (30’.15’’) video-projected performances in Spanish by Filippos Tsitsopoulos Saturday, 9th October 2010, 7-9 p.m. (6th Day of Contemporary Art promoted by AMACI, the Association for Contemporary Art) STUDIO.RA by Raffaella Losapio Via Bartolomeo Platina 1F 00179 Rome – Italy

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MAXXI Via Guido Reni – 00196 Roma Download MAXXI_Opening BBC News – Maxxi modern art gallery opens to the public in Rome Rome, April 2010 – 27, 28 and 29 May 2010: a three-day opening for MAXXI, the National Museum of XXI Century Arts designed by Zaha Hadid and which

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Presentazione del libro Architetture del bianco di Vittoria Biasi Gangemi Editore, Roma 2009 MLAC – Museo Laboratorio di Arte Contemporanea Università Sapienza Piazzale Aldo Moro 5  00185 Roma Coordina: Valentina Piscitelli – architetto Intervengono: gli artisti Jacopo Benci, Antonia Di Giulio, Isabelle Fordin, Ida Gerosa, Anna Onesti, Roberto Pietrosanti, Paolo

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