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CLASSICITA’ ED EUROPA Il destino della Grecia e dell’Italia Roma, Palazzo del Quirinale Testo di Vittoria Biasi Il Palazzo del Quirinale accoglie dal 29 marzo al 15 luglio 2014 la mostra “Classicità ed Europa. Il destino della Grecia e dell’Italia” per testimoniare il ruolo svolto dai due Paesi nel processo di trasformazione culturale promossa da

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Concerto di Hirari Sato organizzato da: Yasuko Ishikawa, Presidente della Japan-Abruzzo Association Umberto Donati, Direttore della Fondazione Italia Giappone Venerdì 28 marzo 2014 Basilica Sant’Andrea della Valle Corso Vittorio Emanuele II – Roma Testo di Vittoria Biasi L’invito della Fondazione Italia – Giappone al concerto di Hirari Sato, bimba giapponese

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Translate Quella notte a Roma Biografia di Luigi di Sarro di Carla Cucchiarelli Iacobelli Editore 2013, Roma pp. 158 Testo di Vittoria Biasi La memoria collettiva è stata segnata dall’assurda morte di Luigi Di Sarro, medico artista. L’evento tragico e assurdo si inserisce nella storia di giovani, morti mentre erano

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VALENTINA COLELLA | SARA SPIZZICHINO ATTESE IMPOSSIBILI Dal 5 febbraio al 28 febbraio 2014 Centro di documentazione artistica contemporanea Luigi di Sarro – Roma – Via Paolo Emilio 28 – 00192  Roma Valentina Colella’s and Sara Spizzichino’s artistic project Attese impossibili was born from the desire to visualise

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Image above 'Remember the Dance'by Jill Rock (photo Antonio Mena)
LONDONtextsvideo film & live performances

‘Whiteout’ by Jill Rock From 3rd of December to 9th of January | Hundred Years Gallery Hundred Years Gallery 13 Pearson St. London E2 8JD +44 (0) 20 3602 7973 – Testo di Vittoria Biasi  Translate Ho conosciuto Jill Rock a Roma in occasione della sua mostra “jill

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MARÍA JESÚS CUETO 1 “Eolia”, (Instalación de 25 elementos)

Translate ISLAS FLOTANTES. Laboratorio de papel Exposición UPV | Muestra de arte con academias de Florencia y Palermo | Arte | EiTB–muestra-arte-academias-florencia-palermo/ Vídeo: Exposición UPV | Obras de alumnos de Leioa, Palermo y Florencia | EITB Vídeos–obras-alumnos-leioa-palermo-florencia/ Bizkaia Aretoa – Google Maps,-2.937148&spn=0.011359,0.027874 “Islas flotantes, Laboratorio de papel”

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Exhibition View film & live performances

Collaboration or better Korean Artist Association UK at London Korean Cultural Centre Text bt Vittoria Biasi – Copyright 1F mediaproject. All rights reserved The exhibition Collaboration at the London Korean Cultural Centre is an important expositive event organized by Korean Artists who live in London and associated in The Korean

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Lucrezia Valeria Scardigno in Die Schlafenden, regia di Fabrizio Crisafulli, 2013 (foto Lidia Crisafulli)
AUSTRIAtextsTheatre & Dance

Die Schlafenden: a performance highly-charged with emotion at Tonhof in Maria Saal Kawabata according to Crisafulli and Staudinger by Silvia Tarquini The House of the Sleeping Beauties by Yasunari Kawabata is a story about eroticism, or to put it better, what eroticism is when there is no sex – which

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Recycle Group Column, Series "Future Archeology", 2013 (detail) n. 3 elementi cm 116x30x30, cm 76x30x30, cm 96x30x30 - See more at:

GLASSTRESS WHITE LIGHT / WHITE HEAT Curated by Adriano Berengo e James Putnam Collateral event 55. Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte – la Biennale di Venezia Glasstress. The Quantum Leap of Glass Critical text by Adriano Berengo, from the Catalogue There was a moment, during these months preparing for Glasstress: White Light/White

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James Turrell - Ronin, 1968 - Fluorescent light, dimensions variable - Collection of the artist © James Turrell Installation view: Jim Turrell, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, April 9–May 23, 1976 - Photo: Courtesy the Stedelijk Museum

Text by Eva Rick Give me such shows – Give me the streets of Manhattan! It’s summertime in the city again. Concerts and movie screenings tangle us all in the parks in search of a fresh night breeze, annual sales get their windows ready for the Times Square tourists, bars

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ROMEStudio.ratextsvideo film & live performances

TRIP AROUND THE GLOBE IN 59 HOURS AND AROUND ROME IRINA DANILOVA – USA PROJECT 59 presentation, artist talk June 3, 19:00 studio.ra contemporary art Via Bartolomeo Platina 1F – 00179 Roma (Italy) –  + 39 06 43417800 | +39 349 1597571 Facebook event: Text by Yulia

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PhotographyROMEStudio.ratextsvideo film & live performances

Text by Vittoria Biasi  The photograph of Jill Rock standing by a tree whose branches are clothed in coloured drapes reminds me of a journey I made to Thailand for a show I curated there. A large tree had been decorated with coloured pieces of fabric; they hung down from

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Jill Rock al Casale Ex Mulino - May 14, 2013
PhotographyROMEStudio.ratextsvideo film & live performances

Jill Rock @ studio.ra – Psychogeographycal Wanderings in the Caffarella, Rome UNITEVI A NOI AL WORK IN PROGRESS DEL PROGETTO ARTE BIOLOGICA DI JILL ROCK PRESSO STUDIO.RA Info: 3491597571. Programma conclusivo della manifestazione organizzata da studio.ra in collaborazione con l’Ente Parco Regionale Appia Antica Sabato 25 e domenica 26 maggio sabato 1

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PhotographyROMEtextsvideo film & live performances

TRASPARENZALUCE – VINCENZO CECCATO a cura di Gianfranco Evangelista Inaugurazione: Venerdi’ 24 Maggio 2013 – ore 18.30 Da Venerdi’ 24 Maggio 2013 a Sabato 15 Giugno 2013 Galleria Baccina Techne Via Baccina 16 – 00184 Roma – Email: Apertura: da Martedi’ a Sabato dalle ore 16.30 alle ore 19.30

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Where there is no atmosphere, sound and music cannot spread. So space is a realm of silence – complete silence. But even here, humans will not give up on their favorite method of universal communication: through music, we reveal our existence to anyone out there beyond planet Earth. On board

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Antonello Viola, vetro

Antonello Viola Aperto con fine a cura di Guglielmo Gigliotti con testi in catalogo di: Guglielmo Gigliotti e Claudia Ceri Via Inaugurazione: giovedì 11 aprile 2013, dopo le 6 di sera fino a: venerdì 19 luglio 2013 Luogo: galleria Il segno – Roma Testo di Guglielmo Gigliotti Raggiunta calma dei

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FABRIZIO CORNELI Open Secret, 2008 Bottle dimension cm20x25x35 frosted glass, brass, halogenlamp

English National Museum of Contemporary Art, Korea and Vittoria Biasi present White & White Dialogue between Korea / Italy ROMA, Museo Carlo Bilotti – Aranciera di Villa Borghese Viale Fiorello La Guardia – 00197 Roma – Tel. 060608 – Email: – White&White nel dialogo tra Corea e Italia

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Le premier matin du monde, 2012 olio su tela cm 85 x100, Liliana Malta

Di Sarro’s Centre hosts the exhibition Dualism where the languages of abstraction face themselves with the fleetingness of the speeches. The artists Candida Ferrari and Liliana Malta witness the expressive identity, the power of artistic pathway towards different issues. Candida Ferrari is after the inner light of paintings ever since,

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There is an exciting and hidden part of Russian art (and Russian artists) that has not yet been discovered. In the same way, there is something latent and full of possibilities, that has not yet been unearthed of the Brooklyn art scene (or Brooklynite artists). That is what “Brural: A

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I MYSELF 2. Marisol Cavia
EventsSANTANDERtextsvideo film & live performances

EL CONCEPTO DE PASADO EN ESPACIOS SENSIBLES Encuentro de Poesía, Artes Plásticas y Arquitectura Texto escrito por María Jesús Cueto-Puente Espacios sensibles es un lugar de encuentro, que reúne una buena parte de los protagonistas más sobresalientes y emergentes de ámbitos diferenciados provenientes de la poesía, las artes plásticas y

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Quel che ho visto e udito, foto Caterina Duzzi
ROMEtextsTheatre & Dance

Quel che ho visto e udito: A tribute to Ingeborg Bachmann in Rome by Stefania Carpiceci The students of the Academy of Fine Arts of Rome presented, at the Casa dei Teatri, Quel che ho visto e udito, a theatrical tribute to Ingeborg Bachmann, the Austrian poet who died in

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Vincenzo Ceccato - c = dsl, 2012

A light in my book by Vittoria Biasi Gallery Vera Amsellem 48 Rue du Roi de Sicile – 75004  Paris Book of Artist International Exhibition 13 december 2012 – 15 January 2013 Opening 13 December 2012  at 6:30 pm Artists: Sidival Fila, Silvia Stucky, Lea Contestabile, Adolfina De Stefani,

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9_Cardboard Butteflies in 1900 Iron press

Exhibition “VISIONS OF FLOWERS” – PARK OF APPIA ANTICA – ROME Sala Nagasawa October – December 2012 Text written by Silvia Brandizzi Translated by Patricia Lauer The former Paper Mill, inactive since 1960, on Via Appia Antica is the headquarters of the large National Park “Ente Parco Appia Antica“. The

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Contextus # 24 Tecnica Mista Su Tela 100x100 2012 © Emanuela Lena - All rights reserved

Exposition « Contextures blanches » d’Emanuela Lena à la galerie Véra Amsellem du 14 novembre au 10 décembre 2012 Vernissage le 14 novembre à 19h Contextures blanches – Text by Vittoria Biasi Le blanc, rappel inexplicable vers une idée d’origine, conjugue les âmes le long d’un fil unificateur et de respectueuse distance,

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