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Johannes Vermeer Giovane donna con bicchiere di vino, 1659 – 1660 ca Olio su tela, 78 x 67 cm Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museu, Braunschweig

Text by Vittoria Biasi – Copyright 1F mediaproject Vermeer The Golden Age of Dutch Art September 27th, 2012  –  January 20th, 2013 Scuderie del Quirinale (Quirinale’s stables) – Rome – Curated by Arthur K. Wheelock, Curator of Northern Baroque Paintings National Gallery of Art, Washington; Walter Liedtke, Curator

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Donato Di Zio mentre affumica la lastra di rame dell'acquaforte Pelagocentonovantadue nel laboratorio della Fondazione il Bisonte, Firenze, 2010. Foto Carmeli-Belli

Donato Di Zio inside the “Pool” Text by Gillo Dorfles Who knows if Donato Di Zio, from the “pool” in which for years, he has always been immersed will ever finally reach the shore? Or maybe he already has arrived? At least the “ aesthetic shore “ apparent in his

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Darko Dragičević (artworks) & Broken Dimance Press (books), LGB + BDP = LBGDBP, Installation View at OTTO ZOO Gallery, Milan

Empty by Darko Dragičević Every day, at least for a second I step out from the apartment. Sometimes I go to buy the flowers. At first I always pay the attention at the white flowers and if I don’t find them too beautiful, then I decide to get something else,

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The Cavalier Mario Boselli, president of the National Chamber of Fashion, during a press conference at Palazzo Marino, in the presence Councillor Culture, Fashion and Design Stefano Boeri, today announced the latest edition of White Milan, the exhibition dedicated to the new language of fashion which will take place in

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The Scenarios of Post Autonomy – Text by David Goldenberg To put ourselves into an unknown situation or to prepare for a situation we mentally project ourselves into an imaginary character who acts out different scenarios, situations, stories in imaginary spaces, rooms, settings to give us a sense of being

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Ararat ll, 2007 160 x 390 x 130 mm sandcast black glass photo. G. Ortegren courtesy of the artist
ArchitectureBiennale di VeneziatextsVENICE

BERTIL VALLIEN, Nine Rooms Collateral Event of the 13th International Architecture Exhibition in Venice from 28 August to 25 November 2012 at the Institute of Sciences, Letters and Arts – Palazzo Cavalli Franchetti Campo Santo Stefano 2847, 30124 Venice Text by Adriano Berengo A Chance Encounter with the Contemporary Hephaestus

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rifiut-arte II mostra d'arte contemporanea a Posta (RI) particolare installazione di Monica Renzi (croce in legno) e Davide Febbo

III Mostra d’Arte Contemporanea Inaugurazione: 11 Agosto, ore 17.30 – Chiusura della mostra: 22 Agosto 2012 Convento di San Francesco a Posta – Comune di Posta (Rieti) Artisti: Massimo Arduini,Veronica Cesaretti, Sara Chiaranzelli, Stefano Confalone, Gianluca D’Angeli, Yuri Di Blasio, Enrica Di Marcoberardino, Gianna Ganbucci, Gina Perotti, Tatjana Kojic Cehic,

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Museo d’Arte Moderna-Contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto Il fascismo e la ‘sua’ arte Dottrina e istituzioni tra futurismo e Novecento di Monica Cioli Mart – Collana «Inediti», volume 2, Leo S. Olschki, Firenze 2011 Testo di Vittoria Biasi Con la foto di Marinetti tra i futuristi, alla Biennale di Venezia

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Pittore di scuola emiliana, Natività di Gesù, olio su tela, Torino 1649

Il Museo dei Cappuccini Convento dell’Immacola Concezione della Beata Vergine Maria Roma, Via Vittorio Veneto, 27 Gangemi Editore, 2012 Testo di Vittoria Biasi L’inaugurazione del Museo dei Cappuccini all’interno del Convento dei Frati Minori Cappuccini di Via Veneto in Roma è una occasione per riflettere sul ricco patrimonio di opere

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Reynolds, Pax Puki, 31 x 41 cm
London BiennaleROMEStudio.ratextsvideo film & live performances

Text by Vittoria Biasi The symbolism is the idea of the Rainbow Bridge between the opposing elements of excellence: the earth and sky. The distance between the two worlds is filled with exciting images from every religion, revolving around the idea of a bridge, connecting the rainbow is the scale

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© Gerhard Richter, 2012, Reader 1994 © Gerhard Richter Courtesy San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.

Gerhard Richter – View A retrospective exhibition Centre Pompidou – Paris June 6 – September 24 Text by Vittoria Biasi – English by esserre The Centre Pompidou through the exhibition of Gerhard Richter-View, celebrates the 80th anniversary of German artist (1932), as an appreciation for his intellectual and pictorial

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Daniel Buren, Excentrique(s), travail in situ, 2012, Monumenta, Grand Palais, Paris

Text by Vittoria Biasi – English by esserre EXCENTRIQUE(S) – DANIEL BUREN – GRAND PALAIS – PARIS The architecture of the aisle inside the Grand Palais at Paris inspires the specific site work of Daniel Buren through the project Monumenta, occurrence proposed every year. During 2007 it was Kiefer, during

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STEICHEN, Edward - Gloria Swanson - 1924 © Permission of the Estate of Edward Steichen | Courtesy George Eastman House

THE BIRTH OF ART PHOTOGRAPHY FROM PICTORIALISM TO MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY (1889-1929) 29th March – 1 July, 2012 Curator: Baki Péter Exhibition Manager: Pablényi Agnes Exhibition co-ordination: Schilling Sara Catalogue Editor: Baki Péter – Publisher: dr. Laszlo Baan, Museum of Fine Arts Budapest, 2012 Museum of Fine Arts Budapest (Szépművészeti Múzeum)

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Modern Fine Art Collection Museum of Fine Arts Budapest (Szépművészeti Múzeum) Dózsa György út 41, Budapest 1146 – e-mail: Text by Vittoria Biasi – translated by Salvatore Rollo The Museum of Fine Arts in Budapest (Szépművészeti Múzeum) has one of the richest and important collection of art from Middle

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Fabrizio Corneli Sognatrice Annerose - 2011 - ottone verniciato, alogena, ombre, cm 180x150

Text by Vittoria Biasi Shadowed by the White Thai Artists Amrit Chusuwan, Sakarin Krua, Sittichai Italian Artists Fabrizio Corneli, Alessandra Porfidia, Stato di Famiglia, Maria Chiara Calvani All the cultures are united by the symbology of tree and shadow. Some peoples think that the shadow of the brambles in the

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MILANtextsTheatre & Dance

Text by Giuliana de Antonellis The “genius” and “jokes” by Dario Fo at Palazzo Reale in Milan from March 24 to June 3, 2012 “I always say that I am an amateur actor and professional painter.” “If I not owned this natural ease in telling stories through pictures, I would

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Art FairsBOLZANOtexts

  Text by Martino Kim published on Focus Korea ‘From the Passion, Expression and Abstract to the Contemporary Art in South Korea’ It has been more than 50 years since the real flame of contemporary art had begun to glow in Korea. However we still have confusion in writing the

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Écrire l’espace par Vittoria Biasi Dans le constant processus d’explorations linguistiques et sociales, certaines créativités s’imposent, gagnant célébrité, pendant que d’autres recherches, comme la braise sous les cendres, suivent un parcours discret, solitaire, loin des bruits. Ces formes sont en dialogue permanent avec l’identité culturelle, avec la mémoire picturale, avec

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John Alcorn in the 70s. © The Alcorn Studio & Gallery.
Art directionsMILANtexts

JOHN ALCORN: A SORT OF HOMECOMING Text by Stefano Scalich [The author wishes to thank Stephen Alcorn and Marta Sironi at the University of Milan for the precious cooperation on this feature] 50 years after the publication of Books! and 20 after his death (January 27th, 1992) here’s an overview

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particolare - Maurizio Ceccato - presentazione Non capisco un'acca di Maurizio Ceccato alla Libreria extemporanea 121- Milan
Art directionsBooksMILANtexts

Milan, January 24th, 2012 Non capisco un’acca by Maurizio Ceccato Libreria 121 – Via Savona 17/5 – 20144 Milano | ph. +39 02 36584119 | | Hacca Publisher – Via F. Grifoni, 27 – 62024 Matelica (Mc) Italy – 0737.783733 – fax 0737.343116 –   – Download depliant pdf

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The Retrospective Exhibition of Károly Ferenczy (1862-1917) 30 November, 2011 – 27 May, 2012 Hungarian National Gallery Szent György tér 2., Budapest, Hungary, 1014 – –   Text by Vittoria Biasi – translated by Salvatore Rollo. All Texts are 1F mediaproject copyright. All Rights Reserved. The

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Dal Cielo ci Guardano – From above in space somebody looks at us, 2011 - © Raffaella Losapio 2011, stampa mild solvent su canvas pro, cm 184 x 204
PhotographyROMEStudio.ratextsvideo film & live performances

From above in space somebody looks at us – Dal Cielo ci Guardano Raffaella Losapio & The Yuri Gagarin Contraband Multimedia event curated by Vittoria Biasi DOORS OPEN at 5pm on Sunday 27 November 2011 AOCF58 – ASSOCIAZIONE OPERATORI CULTURALI FLAMINIA 58 Via Flaminia 58, 00196  Roma  +39 06 3610411 +39 063211880 – Further

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Museum of applied arts Budapest

Contemporary Paraphrases of an eighteenth-Century Brussel’s Tapestry Curatated by Ildikó Dobrányi Foundation in conjunction with the Hungarian Cultural Institute in Brussels  – Download: PROJECT THE WEB OF EUROPE Brussels Musées Royaux d’Art et d’ Histoire 20 May 2011- 14 august 2011 Budapest Museum of Applied Arts October 13

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Willem de Kooning (American, born the Netherlands. 1904-1997) Pink Angels c. 1945 Oil and charcoal on canvas 52 x 40" (132.1 x 101.6 cm) Frederick R. Weisman Art Foundation, Los Angeles © 2011 The Willem de Kooning Foundation/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York

de Kooning: A Retrospective September 18, 2011 | January 9, 2012 The Rene d’Harnoncourt Exhibition Galleries, sixth floor The Museum of Modern Art, 11 West 53 Street, New York, NY 10019, (212) 708-9400, Hours: Wednesday through Monday, 10:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. Friday, 10:30 a.m.–8:00 p.m. Closed Tuesday Text by Vittoria

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