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CASABLANCAHERVÉ CONSTANTLONDONPhotographytextsvideo film & live performances

Intervista a Hervé Constant | Interview with Hervé Constant Intervista e traduzione in italiano di Raffaella Losapio – presidente Studio.ra – 1F Mediaproject, associazione artistico-culturale (Roma/Milano) R.L. : 1. Dimmi qualcosa su di te e il tuo essere artista a Londra H.C.: Sono nato a Casablanca. Mia madre era marocchina e

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LONDONLondon BiennaletextsTheatre & Dancevideo film & live performances

A Yuletide Pantomime by David Medalla Yesterday, Saturday, the 2nd of January 2010, I went for tea in the home of Hermine Demoriane and Hugo Williams at Angel in Islington, London. Hermine and Hugo are old friends of mine. Hugo, an eminent poet, won the T.S. Eliot Poetry Award, one

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