Welcome to cosmic moneybox of Studio.ra – 1F Mediaproject non-profit Association!
Support us if you would like to help Studio.ra – 1F Mediaproject Association non-profit in the promotion of art and the contemporary culture in the world. Thank you.
Sostienici affinché Studio.ra – 1F Mediaproject Associazione non-profit possa continuare a promuovere l’arte contemporanea e la cultura nel mondo. Grazie.

Studio.ra – 1F Mediaproject
is a free and independent non-profit Association, founded and directed by Raffaella Losapio since July 2006.
It is a research and development centre focusing on contemporary art and culture, oriented towards new communication and media technologies.
The true Collection contains works in video, photography, painting and other media by emerging artists.
Registration number / Numero di registrazione: 3/6OO1. Codice fiscale 97546380581.


VOLUNTEERS: we are always looking for the support through interns and volunteers for all our initatives such as texts, exhibitions, workshops and events. Please contact us for more information (please write “VOLUNTER” in the subject line) Email:

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